The GenomiqueENS core facility initiated a quality process in 2005 to ensure tracking tools for the production of DNA chips, and to take into account our users’ needs. When we started our sequencing activity, we have decided to formalize this process: in September 2010 we started the process to obtain the ISO 9001 quality approval. Corinne Blugeon was then appointed Quality Manager. Thanks to the commitment of the platform staff and IBiSA’s support, we obtained the ISO 9001 quality approval in March 2013.
Since then, quality is the heart of our organisation, and we have shifted towards the 2015 version of ISO 9001 quality approval. This certificate was renewed in 2022.
At the same time we worked with Marie-Pierre DUBRULLE at IBiSA to set up the national quality management standard for technological facilities. We thus obtained the NF X 50-900 certificate in April 2015, renewed in 2022.
If you wish, you can download the following files referring to our quality process: POLITIQUE